How to Autotune With Ableton

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You can use Ableton Live for autotuning your vocal tracks with free virtual studio technologies (VSTs). Autotuning works by correcting the pitch of a vocal track, so that imperfections in vocal performances go unnoticed by the listener when the track is completed. By downloading pitch correction VSTs and inserting them into your VST folder, you can then drag them onto the audio tracks in your Ableton Live audio project and autotune your vocal tracks in under five minutes.

Step 1

Visit either the Best Free VST, KVR Audio, or VST 4 Free websites and download either GSnap, KeroVee, or Autotalent. Click on the download links, then click “Save” to store the file(s) on your computer’s hard drive.

Step 2

Unzip the downloaded files to your VST folder with either WinZip, 7-Zip, or CAM Unzip. This will store the “.dll” files into the folder Ableton uses as its source for VSTs.

Step 3

Open Ableton Live by double-clicking the icon located on your computer’s desktop, then open a project that contains vocals you want to autotune. Click “File,” “Open Project,” then select the desired project from the list that appears on your screen.

Step 4

Navigate to the left side of the Ableton Live user interface and click on the second circle under the arrow button that is pointing right. This button will have an electrical plug icon, representing your plug-in folder. A list of all installed VSTs will now appear on the left side of your screen.

Step 5

Click and drag either the GSnap, Autotalent, or KeroVee VST onto your vocal track. The VST’s user interface will now appear on your screen. The vocal track’s audio will now be routed through the pitch correction software and then be sent to the master audio channel.

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