How to Create an MSN Email Address. One of the great services MSN offers is a free email address for its members. Having your own email address is almost a necessity today. Email is one of the most convenient means of communication available. It’s more reliable than the telephone and easier than going to visit someone in person. Even if you already have an email address on another service, you may want to create another one on MSN, especially if you use their services frequently. Follow these steps to create an MSN email address.
Create Your own Email Address on MSN
Step 1
Go to the MSN main page (see Resources below). If you already have an account there, do not log in. To create a new email address at MSN, you will have to sign up for a new MSN account under a different user name. There is only one email address per user name on MSN; but you can have as many different user names as you care to create.
Step 2
Click on “Email Solutions” in the “MSN Services” box.
Step 3
Click on the arrow in the “MSN Hotmail” box. MSN Hotmail is free for anyone. There are other email choices at MSN that cost money (usually a small monthly fee). Before clicking on the arrow, you can read about the features of these other email accounts to see if one of them is right for you.
Step 4
Pick a user ID for your Hotmail account and check to see if it is available. If it is, MSN will let you know it is all right to proceed.
Step 5
Select a password and type it into the box provided. Re-enter the password in the second box.
Step 6
Provide your name and contact information to MSN.
Step 7
Read the MSN service agreement, then click “I Accept.” You now have a valid MSN user name and email account that you can use to send and receive email any time you log on to MSN.
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