Presenters normally project their PowerPoint presentations onto a screen.
PowerPoint (sometimes called “PPT”) is Microsoft’s presentation software. PowerPoint is used by people of all backgrounds, such as students, trainers and business professionals. The software allows you to create photograph albums, select themes, import images and design charts to create a dynamic presentation for your viewers.
PowerPoint files can be downloaded with the Windows and Macintosh operating systems. Downloading presentations to your computer from the Internet will give you access to them when you are offline.
From Firefox
Step 1
Locate the PowerPoint presentation file that you want to download with Mozilla Firefox.
Step 2
Right-click on the file, and click on “Save Link As….”
Step 3
Verify that “Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation” is next to “File Type.” This will verify that the file is the actual presentation file and not just a web page to the presentation.
Step 4
Click on “Desktop” in the upper right panel, and click “OK.” The file is now downloaded to your desktop.
From Safari
Step 1
Find the PowerPoint presentation you wish to download with your Safari browser.
Step 2
Right-click on the file, and click on “Download Linked File As….”
Step 3
Click on “Desktop” on the top of the left panel, and verify that “Microsoft PowerPoint” is next to the words “Save As Type.” This will verify that the presentation will be downloaded, not just a link to the presentation. The presentation is now saved to your desktop.
From Internet Explorer
Step 1
Locate the PowerPoint file that you want to download to your computer with Internet Explorer.
Step 2
Right-click on the presentation file, and click on “Save target as….”
Step 3
Click on “Desktop” in the upper left panel, and verify that PowerPoint is next to “Save as type”; this will verify that you are saving a PowerPoint file and not simply a link to a web page.
Step 4
Click on “Save” at the bottom. The presentation is now saved to your desktop.
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