How to Help a Pink Screen on a Computer

Get rid of a pink screen on your computer.

A pink screen is not an uncommon issue with computer users. The characteristics of the pink screen can vary. Some users report that the entire screen has a pinkish hue, others report that only certain areas of the monitor have pink pixels or lines. Regardless of how a pink screen manifests itself, the problem can be frustrating. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix a pink screen.

Step 1

Check to make sure the cable between the computer and monitor is connected securely. Gently jiggle the connection. If this changes or improves a pink screen, it is a loose cable connection. Plug the cable into the slot securely.

Step 2

Completely disconnect the monitor cable. Inspect the ends for loose or bent pins. Replace the cable if you find any flaws.

Step 3

Reset your monitor settings back to factory defaults. This will ensure the pink hue is simply not a result of changes to the monitor color settings.

Step 4

Replace the monitor. If the above steps do not help, your monitor may be going bad. Unless the monitor is new or expensive, repairing it could be impractical. In this case, simple replace the monitor.

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