To accommodate a laptop’s portability, most laptops do not ship with a mouse; rather, they have a built-in mouse called a touchpad. The touchpad, a flat surface usually at the bottom of the keyboard, operates by touch, as its name implies, and includes many of the same features seen on an external mouse. Adjusting the […]
How to Create Watermarks in Adobe Illustrator
Image Credit: SolisImages/iStock/Getty Images A watermark over a graphic is used to prevent it from being copied illegally or to indicate the content is not the final version. Watermarks can be pictures, symbols or text and should be large enough to cover a significant amount of the visible area to deter splicing the image for […]
How to Hide Streets in Google Maps
How to Hide Streets in Google Maps Image Credit: Rawpixel Ltd/iStock/Getty Images Google Maps allows you to view areas on maps in a variety of different ways, including a “satellite” view that lets you hide labels. You can use this option if you want a clean look at a map of a certain location but […]
What Is Navision Software?
Navision software offers tools that enable enterprises to manage finances. Microsoft Dynamics is a line of ERP (enterprise resource planning) applications created as part of the Microsoft Business Solutions group. Navision software is part of the Microsoft Dynamics line and offers features designed to assist with business needs. Definition Navision software, also referred to as […]
How to Fix a CD Player That Skips
If a CD is skipping, first ensure that the disc is working properly by checking to see if it plays on another device. If so, you’ll have to uncover the problem in your CD player. Some common problems include: broken parts in the device, physical damage to the CD player, dirt within the player or, […]
Basic Computer Principles
Laptop and desktop computers are among the most common types. Computers come in many forms, from the traditional desktop PC to portable devices such as laptops, tablets and even smartphones. However, a number of basic elements are generally found within most computing devices used by ordinary people. There are many additional types of computer used […]
Positive & Negative Effects of Computers
A young girl is playing on a computer. Image Credit: Design Pics/Design Pics/Getty Images The rapid rise of electronic computing in the 20th century changed the course of modern civilization. Although many of the effects have been positive, PCs have also impacted lives in undesirable ways. As computer technology continues to advance and new generations […]
How to People-Search With Just a First Name
Image Credit: jacoblund/iStock/GettyImages It can be difficult to find someone online without knowing their full name, but it’s not impossible. If you know other aspects about a person’s life, such as where they live or work, you can sometimes find them on search engines using a combination of first name and that information. Social media […]
How to Install Java Without Admin Privileges
No need for an Admin to install Java If you do not have Admin Privileges on your work computer and you’ve tried to install Java so that you can try some Java Programming, you don’t have to go to your Administrator for help. If you’ve tried installing Java the “normal” way–by double-clicking a JRE installer […]
How to Find All Photos Stored on My Computer
Most applications use the Pictures folder in Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 by default to save images. Web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome use the Downloads folder as a common location to save all downloaded content including images. You can also find all images on your hard drive by using the Search […]