How to Import Textures Into Maya

Texture on a Plane Image Credit: Kyle Horne In Maya you can integrate images found from the Web or your very own textures to use for 3D models, reference images and related projects. Select Window from the top menu bar, then select Rendering Editors then Hypershade. The Hypershade is Maya’s version of a material editor. […]

How to Check Your Computer’s CMOS Battery

Image Credit: TimeStopper/Moment/GettyImages Computers are great when they’re working properly, but they can be maddening when they act up. Troubleshooting one isn’t terribly difficult if there’s something specific at fault, like a malfunctioning drive or a program that keeps crashing, but sometimes the problem is less obvious. If your computer can’t seem to keep the […]

How Do I Rotate in Media Player Classic?

A video in Media Player Classic. Image Credit: Image courtesy of the MPC-HC team Media Player Classic can rotate videos around three axes, even though it doesn’t have any options for rotating the video in its graphical user interface. Unlike Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic allows you to rotate your video around the X, […]

How to Use Wingdings in Excel

Wingdings is a symbolic font and is similar to Webdings. Microsoft Wingdings was released in 1992 and there are three versions of it: Wingdings, Wingdings 2 and Wingdings 3. The Wingdings fonts include small graphics of hand signals, arrows and check marks among others. To insert a Wingdings character in Excel, you must first format […]

What Is PCM in TV Audio?

Most digital televisions use PCM audio. Image Credit: flashfilm/Lifesize/Getty Images Pulse Control Modulation in television audio uses a modulation method that changes an analog signal into a digital signal, originally developed by a telephone company employee for military and phone applications in the 1930s. You’ll find this as a standard option on your television or […]

How to Type the Pi Symbol on a Mac

Image Credit: Anchiy/iStock/Getty Images The Pi symbol expresses the mathematical ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and is roughly equivalent to “3.1459” or twenty-two sevenths. The symbol is a special character, based off of the Greek alphabet, and is not standard on a Mac keyboard. However, the keyboards “Option” key will […]

What Is Computer Hardware Servicing?

Image Credit: itakdalee/iStock/GettyImages Computer hardware servicing refers to doing repairs and maintenance on the physical components of a computer and its peripherals, including fans, hard drives, keyboards and printers. It differs from software-related maintenance, which deals with the programs running on a computer, including eliminating malware, installing new software and updating programs for users, though […]

How to Run IPTV in VLC

Image Credit: StockRocket/iStock/Getty Images Use VideoLan’s VLC media player to stream and run IPTV, the IP-based television service, to view TV programs from around the world. Normally, IPTV is viewed with the media player on the IPTV website. However, using the newer versions of VLC, you can stream TV from IPTV through the VLC player […]

How Do I Set My Sony Bravia to 1080P?

While there are many models of Sony Bravia HDTVs on the market, not all will support 1080P resolution. To view HD content you must have an HD source, such as an HD cable box and the source must be connected to the TV using an HDMI cable or component cables. The Sony Bravia will automatically […]

How to Convert WordPad Documents to Microsoft Word

Image Credit: Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images WordPad is Microsoft’s rich-text editor and comes with the Windows operating system. Some people enjoy using WordPad for its distinct lack of features. For anyone interested in a full-featured word processor, WordPad is not the right choice. Those writers will be more interested in Microsoft Word, which is a word […]