How to Create a JPEG Logo

Image Credit: Ciaran Griffin/Lifesize/Getty Images Do you have plenty of logo files but none in jpeg format? You can easily remedy that situation by using design programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop. Converting your logo to the easily accessible and usable jpeg format does not have to induce a headache if you just […]

How to Format a Computer Without a Windows CD

You can format a hard drive without a Windows CD. Formatting a computer hard drive is always a last-resort effort to pursue only when all other methods of attempting to fix a problem have failed. A formatted hard drive will be completely wiped of all data, including the operating system. The Microsoft Windows operating system […]

How to Save Animated GIFs to the Computer

You can save animated GIFs to the computer. Image Credit: millann/iStock/GettyImages Animated GIFs are easy to access on internet-connected computers at any time, but saving a specific GIF ensures it’s easy to access offline or online. You can use that GIF on various websites and platforms that support the .gif file type. Saving and implementing […]

How to Change Resolution in Windows Movie Maker

You can set the resolution (video pixel size) in Windows Movie Maker. Setting the resolution of your video project in Windows Movie Maker is important in guaranteeing that your video is formatted correctly. You may need to export your video at a certain resolution based on the format in which you intend it to be […]

How to Convert a Text File to a DAT File

Renaming a text file to a data file is as easy as typing. A text file is a simple file type that contains plain text in American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format. By using ASCII format, the file can be read on any number of operating systems, including Linux, Unix, Macintosh and Windows. […]

How to Turn on the Clicking Sound on My Mouse Pointer

Operating systems such as Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 allow you to play sounds while navigating through files and folders, or when performing certain actions such as opening or closing applications. Use the Sound configurations panel to manually select the actions for which you want to hear sounds when interacting with your mouse. Step 1 […]

How to Read Encrypted Files

When on a computer that is used by many individuals, you may see an encrypted file. An encrypted file is a file that has been coded so other users cannot see or access the content. Occasionally, it may be necessary to access the information of the encrypted file, but the user who coded the file […]

How to Get to the User Configuration in a Computer

The user configuration on a Windows computer allows you to adjust the settings for the individuals working on a PC. Only the Administrator account of the PC has access to the full security features. Standard user accounts only have access to software and settings. These accounts cannot influence other users or the security of the […]