How to Connect a PC Monitor to a DVD Player

Computer monitors may work with newer DVD players, but it’s not a guarantee. Image Credit: Believe_In_Me/iStock/Getty Images Computer monitors are designed to connect to modern PCs, which means they may not share the same port types as your DVD player and might rely on a different format of video output. It’s possible to connect a […]

How to Reset My BlackBerry If I Forgot the Password

Prevent data loss due to wipes by frequently backing up your phone. Image Credit: Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images Considering the large amount of information stored inside, losing the password to your BlackBerry device can be disastrous for your business and personal life. Fortunately, BlackBerry created a means to reset your password should you lock […]

How to Open the SHS File Extension

A SHS — or shell scrap object — file contains fragments of a document that a user previously created using either Word or Excel. You can import the contents of a SHS file into a Word document or Excel spreadsheet by dragging it to the program that generated it. SHS File Description Shell scrap objects […]

How to Fix a Win32 Error

Image Credit: Ciaran Griffin/Stockbyte/Getty Images A Win32 error is a standard computer error that occurs mainly on computers using Windows versions 95, 98 and 2000 and often during Internet usage. When your computer gets a Win32 error, the application that the error occurred in ceases to work and you are unable to use the function […]

What Is a Wireless Network Adapter?

A computer can use a wireless network adapter to receive a wireless signal. Many of us use the Internet on a daily basis. You may wish to connect wirelessly to the Internet, or without a physical connection from your personal network to another network. You use a wireless network adapter to establish a wireless Internet […]

How to Fix a Horizontal Line on My Acer Monitor

When working on a computer, you need a clear and stable picture. Sometimes the vertical line goes haywire and your screen messes up, making things hard to watch. Acer monitors come with controls that will adjust the horizontal line settings. There’s no need to take your Acer monitor to the repair shop, nor do you […]

What Is LCD Conditioning?

Image Credit: pixdeluxe/E+/GettyImages LCD technology is certainly leaps and bounds ahead of cathode ray tube, or CRT, hardware. Whereas CRT monitors carried the risk of “burn-in,” an irreversible situation in which a faint image is forever imprinted on the electronic display, LCD hardware has been able to fundamentally avoid these types of problems through hardware […]

What Is Ad-Hoc 11n?

Benefit from faster wireless network speeds with the ad-hoc 11n feature. Image Credit: Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images Some wireless networking adapters on computers, mobile devices and other wireless devices include an ad-hoc 11n function that you can enable or disable. Activating this feature allows the device to connect to the network of a wireless router using […]

What Is MS Word Format?

MS Word format refers to the document formats developed and used chiefly by Microsoft Word software — specifically the DOC and DOCX formats. Associated File Extensions Word offers several versions of the DOC format used by Word documents. Each version is designed to be compatible with a different version of Word, making it possible to […]

How to Create Scars in Photoshop

Add realistic and even disturbing scars using Photoshop layers. Image Credit: jakubzak/iStock/Getty Images Photoshop CC isn’t just for making fashion models look perfect — you can use it to add all sorts of interesting effects, including realistic scars. The process involves painting on a scar, giving it some texture with Bevel & Emboss and then […]