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Foxit PDF Editor allows you to open, modify and save documents in the Portable Document Format. If you, for example, accidentally insert blank pages into a PDF document, you can delete them using Foxit PDF Editor. You can also use Foxit’s “Delete Page” function to reduce the size of a PDF by removing unneeded pages. For example, if a PDF form contains an instruction sheet at the end, you can cut this page out with Foxit PDF Editor.
Step 1
Launch Foxit PDF Editor.
Step 2
Click “File” and select “Open.” Click the PDF file from which you want to delete a page and click “Open.”
Step 3
Scroll to the page you want to delete using the mouse wheel or the arrow keys.
Step 4
Press “Alt” and “Delete” simultaneously. Click “OK” to delete the unwanted page from the PDF.
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