With the numerous file-type extensions that may be on your computer, it can be difficult to determine what you need to do to view certain files. The .MSI extension is a file that acts as an installation package developed exclusively by Microsoft for the Windows format. For Mac users, this may pose a problem for viewing .MSI files. But there is a solution in the form of extracting software.
Things You’ll Need
- Mac format computer
- Extracting software
Step 1
Download the extractor software. Extracting software like “Extract Now,” “Alpha Zip” and “Universal Extractor” are available online for purchase and download. Searching for “Extracting Software” will bring up many choices, so choose one to download.
Step 2
Install the software. Once the extracting software is downloaded, click on the icon to open the step-by-step walk-through. Depending on the product version, you may need to download an updater, but this should simply be part of the setup process, so just follow the steps to get the update. This should be the finalizing step to making the software operational.
Step 3
Extract the .MSI files. Once the extracting software is installed, open the program by double-clicking the icon. It will bring up an input screen, where you can choose which file you want to extract and where you want the extracted files to go. Choose your .MSI file and click on the “Start” button, or the program’s equivalent.
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