How to Convert WAV to MP3 Using Windows Media Player

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Vladimir Vladimirov/E+/GettyImages

In the world of digital audio, there is no shortage of unique file formats in which you can create and share music. Generally speaking, different forms of encoded digital audio rely on distinct compression methods. On a simple level, a method of compression reduces audio fidelity to ensure that the file size of a particular piece of music remains small and manageable. With regards to compression, WAV files and MP3 files are at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Whereas WAV files are typically quite large, MP3 is considered to be one of the most easily shareable music formats due to its compact memory footprint. With that in mind, learning how to convert WAV files to MP3 format using popular software like Windows Media Player ensures that you can share your favorite music at any time.

Converting WAV to MP3 Basics

Using Windows Media Player, converting a WAV file to MP3 can be accomplished in just a few simple steps. First, you need to import a WAV file into the Windows Media Player library by clicking and dragging the track into the Library section of the software. After the track has been imported, you are free to convert it as you see fit. To convert a particular WAV file into the MP3 format, go to the “Options” menu., select the “Rip Settings” tab and move the cursor to the “Format” tab.

When the Format menu expands, select MP3 from the menu. Finalize the changes by clicking “Apply.” When this is complete, you can select the WAV file and press the “Rip” button. This process effectively converts the WAV file into an MP3 file in the destination folder you select.

Other Audio Considerations

Although an MP3 file requires significantly less memory than a WAV file, it is important to remember that this heavily compressed format may affect the quality of the audio noticeably. With that in mind, you should plan on using formats that are less compressed if you are distributing audio for professional purposes. Also, you can use a file-sharing service such as Dropbox to share large WAV files with users.

After completing the WAV to MP3 conversion, take a moment to listen to the file. To better understand the differences between these formats, see if you can hear any changes made to the audio. You may not be able to notice anything if you are listening through computer speakers or your phone. However, if you have access to professional-grade headphones or speakers, you may notice a difference.

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