No matter what website you visit, cookies and other traces are left on the computer. This not only allows you to return back to the website (and reduces the load time) but it allows the website to trace what sites you visit and adjust adds accordingly. This holds true for adult websites, which can become embarrassing if other users of the computer find adult site listings in the search history. Because of this it is a good idea to remove the traces of all sites visited after using the Internet.
Step 1
Open up all folders you may have downloaded images or videos to. Click and-drag over the items to select all the content. Right-click the selection and choose “Delete” from the pull-down menu. All the content is removed from the computer and placed into the Recycle Bin.
Step 2
Right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop, then choose “Empty Recycle Bin.” This removes all the downloaded content you have obtained from the Internet.
Step 3
Select “Start,” “Control Panel,” then choose “Internet Options.” A small Internet Options Window appears on the screen.
Step 4
Select “Delete History.” This clears off all the browser history, cookies and other traces adult sites have placed onto the computer. Depending on how many sites have been visited it may take a few minutes to clear out. You cannot exit “Internet Options” while this is going on.
Step 5
Click “OK” and exit Internet Options. All traces of adult content are now gone from the computer.
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